Thursday, May 3, 2012

Epsom Salt

There are many, MANY uses for Epsom Salt!!! In my house, you will always find it! I use it as an exfoliant, in my shampoo (removes excessive oil), and in today's case, to help with swelling and aches. As I was walking down the stairs on this rainy day, I slipped, fell and landed on my knee. I cried worst than Annabelle when it has happened to her!!!! First thing I thought of was.....Mommy!!!! I called and washed my knee. She came over, rubbed it and made an Epsom salt paste along with Vapor Rub (old wives tale, but I'll take it today) Wow!!! My mother's care and Epsom Salt= amazing results! Swelling immediately gone and no more heart throbbing pain!